CQuential Solutions focused on business growth, heightened customer service excellence via new appointment

CQuential Solutions, leading warehouse management software (WMS) specialist and part of the Argility Technology Group, has announced the appointment of an Operations Executive, Daniel Schotter, who will be responsible for the management of the company’s delivery team, with the goal of enhancing project deliveries in line with customer expectations. “Daniel is a key team member […]

3-steps to follow when choosing an Inventory and Warehouse management solution

Warehouse and inventory management are two crucial functions found in most supply chain companies. The competitive landscape is fierce, so it should be every business owner’s desire and ambition to get these two functions as streamlined and automated as possible. In a recent article by NETSTOCK, they provided much food for thought on using solutions […]

5-steps to help supply chain survive Covid -19

by Rina Redelinghuys, Customer Services Executive of CQuential Until Covid-19 began wreaking its havoc, global companies have run their supply chain on the assumption that disruptions would be rare and short-lived, and that products should be sourced, produced and distributed at the cheapest locations to be found – wherever in the world that may be.The […]

How Supply Chain can survive and operate post COVID-19

By Shaun O’Brien, CEO of CQuential The world has been severely impacted by COVID-19 and foreseeably changed the way we will do business forever. The worldwide lockdowns have essentially brought the global economy to a standstill forcing businesses to work out how they will survive and operate post-lockdown. Supply chains are under tremendous pressure to […]

The Supply Chain fence is not the same as it was 2 months ago… By Daniel Schotter

If you have been on the fence regarding whether to transform your business and implement a digitisation strategy, now is the time to pull the trigger to survive. The past 60 days have been an eye opener as to how quickly what was regarded as fringe technology is being embraced. Someone even said to me […]

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